Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Pretty beats the cold

Minus 31 was yesterday morning's low temp.  Today reached 20 above, a heat wave, especially with the sun to warm your face.  The cold can be really bitter, but the beauty of winter makes the frigid days worth the trouble.

Here is a panoramic pic of the snow-covered Kilkenny range.  The Jut is seen along the left of the picture, as is the neighbor's big field.

The north side of the house is pictured here in another panoramic.

Winter walks always bring delights.  Areas thick with conifers make the day look dark, even with full sun.
A favorite tree, that beat up very old red oak with huge holes in it, captures a lot of snow each year -- just on its huge trunk.

A big white ash near the gnarly oak captured a great deal of snow on a large broken branch.

A bit to the south of there, a quaking aspen recently became one of the property's largest spring poles.  The curved tree is pictured blocking the afternoon sun.
Lest we forget and make them horribly jealous, you can't leave out all the baby paper birches out there! 

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