Thursday, November 15, 2012

Framing has begun

First, we found out that the well is 480 feet down and was producing 8 gallons per minute -- which is excellent!!!  We won't know about water treatment requirements until a few months from now when the plumbing is installed and water runs for a couple of hours.

Now, on to the framing, Ray, Mike, Brandon, Jordan and Ray Jr. were hard at work at 7am yesterday when I stopped by the site to see how things were going. They had really only had one day of work behind them since it rained/snowed on Tuesday.  The garage is where Mike cuts the materials to meet the specifications (e.g., window frames, etc.)

The floor joists are all installed.  The 'square' you see toward the middle is where the trap door will be to go down into the crawlspace.

Here is a photo of where the curbless shower will be in the master bath. Note the cut-outs in the floor joists -- this is so that the floor will slope away from the rest of the bathroom to a drain in the corner.

They were starting walls yesterday and so we'll try to get more photos today since the progress each day will be pretty significant.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post. Thanks for sharing it with us and one more thing that plumbing plays a very important role in home improvement. so hire expert plumber always.
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