Sunday, November 4, 2012

More sitework progress

Hurricane Sandy didn't slow sitework progress this week.  There has been drainage installed and back-filling.  The areas for the septic tank and leech field have also been prepared.  Lots of sand!!

Here's the garage filled with sand.  It's about ready for its cement floor.

This shows the back-filled area between the house (left) and garage (right).  There will be a covered walkway in between.

Here is the backfilled north side.  At the bottom of the photo, you can see prep for deck footers.  There are three more behind the one you can see.

The all-important wastewater treatment system starts here.  The spot in front is where the septic tank will be buried.  In the distance down the hill, you can see a sandy area that will serve as the leech field for the tank.

The builder's patented septic drain system is also onsite.  Here is a shot up close, in case you've wondered what the inside of a new septic drain pipe looks like.  We toured the local factory where these are made.  A really interesting operation that ships these pipes all over the world.

Even with gloomy weather, lots was done on Friday.  Here, more sand is added to the leech field.

A photo from this spot has been posted before.  Here is the back-filled version.
Weather permitting, framing will start this week.  Looks like sun for the first two days.

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